BE Change Reaches Annual Fundraising Goal!


Thank you!

We’re proud to announce that, with your help, BE Change has reached our annual fundraising goal of $8,500 for 2022! Thanks to your donations, our partner schools Bhavishya Me Free Education School and Prema Metta Orphanage School Trust can count on needed support from BE Change through our existing programs for the entire year in 2022.

At Prema Metta, BE Change will continue to support the school’s meal program for the entire year in 2022, ensuring the school’s students have access to needed nutrition all year. At Bhavishya Me, BE Change will fund teacher salaries, the purchase of school supplies and the costs of special school events throughout 2022. These projects will help ensure Bhavishya Me’s students have the support and tools they need to succeed.

This means that

68 children at Prema Metta

can continue to count on a nutritious meal each school day and

96 children at Bhavishya Me

can count on salaries for their teachers and the tools to learn, ensuring they have access to a quality education.

Now that we’ve fully funded our existing programs, we are exploring opportunities for new, impactful programs to support children at our partner schools. As always, we sincerely thank our donors for supporting childhood education in rural Bihar. Your donations allow us to continue supporting necessary and impactful projects at our partner schools. Without your help, this would not be possible.

We look forward to continuing to bring you updates about the powerful impact your donations have on the lives of children in rural Bihar!

Michelle, Alex and Elaine

BE Change Team